📢 Hello folks !

Do you want to learn a new language ? Learn history or poems ? Or new vocabulary ?

Good news, I’ve created a Notion template for flashcards 🤩 ! This is a tool that will help you to memorize stuff on the long term 🧠 ! You’ll find the description & instructions below.


Spaced repetition is an evidence-based learning technique that is usually performed with flashcards. Newly introduced and more difficult flashcards are shown more frequently, while older and less difficult flashcards are shown less frequently. These repetitions based on active recall will improve your memory retention.

I have used my own pace (computed automatically in the template) which goes as follow :

  1. On the first day, I will try to get the correct answer
  2. If I was correct in my 1st attempt, the card will be shown 3 days later
  3. If I was correct in my 2nd attempt, the card will be shown 7 days later
  4. If I was correct in my 3th attempt, the card will be shown 14 days later
  5. If I was correct in my 4th attempt, the card will be shown 30 days later
  6. If I was correct in my 5th attempt, the card will be shown 70 days later
  7. If I was correct in my 6th attempt, the card will be shown 150 days later
  8. If I was correct in my 7th attempt - or more, the card will be shown 365 days later
  9. Finally, if I am incorrect (whatever attempt I am), the card will be shown 1 day later and the process will restart from the beginning (if correct 3 days later, then 7, etc.)

You can change this pace if needed (see 4️⃣ Customization ).


1️⃣ Study board

On Flashcards you will find a study board that you will use to practice every day. Serveral tabs are available :

  1. To study : this is where you will find every items you need to study today. The pace is computed automatically based on your performance on this card.
  2. Review incorrect : a tab to review the cards where you provided an incorrect answer in your last session. I use it sometimes to check again these items before my next session.
  3. Not learning yet : this is the backlog of flashcards for which you have not started your study session yet. A button is available for each card, allowing you to start the memorization process for this card.
  4. All cards : a tab where you can see all your flashcards, no matter in which status they are.


2️⃣ Create a new flashcard

To create a new flashcard, simply hit the new button in the study board. Then, fill the flashcard with :

When you create a new flashcard, it will not appear in the “To study” tab. It is kept in a flashcard backlog that you can activate whenever you want. To do this, go into the “Not learning yet” tab and click the start studying button.


3️⃣ How to study

The key to success is to practice on a regular basis. Try to practice every day and stick to it.

In order to perform your session, just go in the “To study” tab and review you flashcards one by one. Try to guess the correct answer and hit the Show Answer tickbox to check if you were correct. If you have a doubt, you can also hit the Show Clue tickbox to help you to find the answer. It will display vowels only.

Then hit the Correct or Incorrect button depending on you found the answer or not (I consider personally that I was incorrect if I had to use the clue). Hitting one of the button will remove the card from the list and plan it for a future session. If you were incorrect, it will be shown the day after. If you were correct, it will be shown later based on the pace defined in the template.


4️⃣ Customization

You can customize your flashcards to better fit your needs, especially :


That’s it ! I hope you find this material useful and that it will help you to memorize new stuffs. Remember to practice every day !

I wish you a wonderful journey and a lot a new learnings ❤️

About me : My name is Romain Ducroiset. I’m an agile enthusiast but also a lover a Notion, which I use both for work and my personal life. Connect with me on LinkedIn